Function Documentation¶
Giotto Environment¶
Install and work with Giotto Python Environment
Function |
Description |
installGiottoEnvironment |
removeGiottoEnvironment |
checkGiottoEnvironment |
Giotto Instructions¶
Create or change Giotto instructions
Function |
Description |
createGiottoInstructions |
readGiottoInstrunctions |
changeGiottoInstructions |
changeGiottoInstructions |
replaceGiottoInstructions |
Import Raw Data¶
Functions to help to import raw spatial datat
Function |
Description |
getSpatialDataset |
readExprMatrix |
get10Xmatrix |
get10Xmatrix_h5 |
stitchFieldCoordinates |
stitchTileCoordinates |
Functions to work with images for a Giotto object.
Function |
Description |
estimateImageBg |
changeImageBg |
createGiottoImage |
addGiottoImage |
addGiottoImageToSpatPlot |
showGiottoImageNames |
updateGiottoImage |
getGiottoImage |
plotGiottoImage |
Giotto Object¶
Functions to help to import raw spatial data.
Function |
Description |
createGiottoObject |
createGiottoVisiumObject |
createGiottoObjectSubcellular |
Giotto Helper Functions¶
Common functions to help working with Giotto objects
Function |
Description |
pDataDT |
fDataDT |
showProcessingSteps |
calculateMetaTable |
calculateMetaTableCells |
combineMetadata |
createMetagenes |
findNetworkNeighbors |
Giotto Getters & Setters¶
Low level functions to get, set and show Giotto slots
Function |
Description |
get_expression_values |
set_expression_values |
get_spatial_locations |
set_spatial_locations |
get_dimReduction |
set_dimReduction |
get_NearestNetwork |
set_NearestNetwork |
get_spatialNetwork |
set_spatialNetwork |
get_spatialGrid |
set_spatialGrid |
get_polygon_info |
set_polygon_info |
get_feature_info |
set_feature_info |
get_spatial_enrichment |
set_spatial_enrichment |
Giotto Show Slots¶
Show what is available in different information slots
Function |
Description |
showGiottoExpression |
showGiottoSpatLocs |
showGiottoDimRed |
showGiottoSpatNetworks |
showGiottoSpatGrids |
showGiottoSpatialInfo |
showGiottoFeatInfo |
showGiottoSpatEnrichments |
Modify Giotto Object¶
Modifications to the Giotto objects
Function |
Description |
filterGiotto |
subsetGiotto |
subsetGiottoLocs |
joinGiottoObjects |
normalizeGiotto |
adjustGiottoMatrix |
annotateGiotto |
removeCellAnnotation |
removeFeatAnnotation |
addCellMetadata |
addFeatMetadata |
addFeatStatistics |
addCellStatistics |
addStatistics |
addFeatsPerc |
addCellIntMetadata |
Dimension Reduction¶
Functions to reduce dimensions.
Function |
Description |
calculateHVG |
signPCA |
screePlot |
jackstrawPlot |
runPCA |
runUMAP |
runtSNE |
Functions to cluster cells.
Function |
Description |
Create NN Network |
addNetworkLayout |
clusterCells |
doLeidenCluster |
doLouvainCluster |
doKmeans |
doHclust |
subClusterCells |
doLeidenSubCluster |
doLouvainSubCluster |
getClusterSimilarity |
mergeClusters |
getDendrogramSplits |
Marker Genes¶
Functions to detect cell type / cluster specific marker genes.
Function |
Description |
findMarkers |
findMarkers_one_vs_all |
findGiniMarkers |
findGiniMarkers_one_vs_all |
findScranMarkers |
findScranMarkers_one_vs_all |
findMastMarkers |
findMastMarkers_one_vs_all |
Auxiliary Visualizations¶
Functions for different visualization options to explore gene, cell or cluster characteristics.
Function |
Description |
showClusterHeatmap |
showClusterDendrogram |
plotHeatmap |
plotMetaDataHeatmap |
plotMetaDataCellsHeatmap |
violinPlot |
Spatial Enrichment¶
Algorithms to compute spatial enrichment of gene signatures or scRNA-seq matrix
Function |
Description |
makeSignMatrixPAGE |
makeSignMatrixRank |
runSpatialEnrich |
runPAGEEnrich |
runRankEnrich |
runHyperGeometricEnrich |
Spatial Deconvolution¶
Algorithms to perform spatial deconvolution based on gene signatures or single-cell RNAseq information
Function |
Description |
makeSignMatrixDWLSfromMatrix |
makeSignMatrixDWLS |
runSpatialDeconv |
runDWLSDeconv |
Spatial Network or Grid¶
Function to (help) create a spatial network or grid.
Function |
Description |
spatNetwDistributionsDistance |
spatNetwDistributionsKneighbors |
spatNetwDistributions |
createSpatialDelaunayNetwork |
plotStatDelaunayNetwork |
createSpatialKNNnetwork |
createSpatialNetwork |
annotateSpatialNetwork |
annotateSpatialGrid |
createSpatialGrid |
Spatial Expression Patterns¶
Methods to detect spatially coherent expression patterns.
Function |
Description |
binSpectSingleMatrix |
binSpectMultiMatrix |
binSpectSingle |
binSpectMulti |
binSpect |
spatialDE |
spatialAEH |
trendSceek |
spark |
Simulate Spatial Expression Patterns¶
Function to simulate a user-defined pattern using the full complexity of the different gene distributions.
Function |
Description |
simulateOneGenePatternGiottoObject |
runPatternSimulation |
Spatial Co-Expression Modules¶
Method to detect spatially co-expressed feature modules.
Function |
Description |
clusterSpatialCorGenes |
detectSpatialCorGenes |
heatmSpatialCorGenes |
showSpatialCorGenes |
rankSpatialCorGroups |
2D Visualization In Expression Space¶
Visualization of expression space (e.g. UMAP) in 2D.
Function |
Description |
dimPlot |
plotUMAP |
plotTSNE |
plotTSNE |
dimGenePlot |
dimCellPlot |
2D Visualization in Spatial Space¶
Visualization of expression space (e.g. UMAP) in 2D.
Function |
Description |
spatPlot |
spatCellPlot |
2D Visualization In Both Spatial And Expression Space¶
Visualization in both 2D spatial and expression space.
Function |
Description |
spatDimPlot |
spatDimCellPlot |
3D Visualization¶
3D Visualization Dimension Reduction¶
Visualization of expression space (e.g. UMAP) in 3D
Function |
Description |
dimPlot3D |
dimPlot3D |
plotTSNE_3D |
plotPCA_3D |
3D Visualization In Spatial Space¶
Visualization in 3D spatial space.
Function |
Description |
spatPlot3D |
3D visualization in Spatial and Expression Space¶
Visualization in 3D spatial space.
Function |
Description |
spatDimPlot3D |
In Silico Cross Sections¶
Functions to create an in silico 2D cross sections from 3D data.
Function |
Description |
createCrossSection |
crossSectionGenePlot |
crossSectionPlot |
crossSectionGenePlot3D |
crossSectionPlot3D |
insertCrossSectionSpatPlot3D |
insertCrossSectionGenePlot3D |
Cell Neighborhood¶
Cell Neighborhood: Cell-Type/Cell-Type Enrichment¶
Functions to calculate and visualize cell-type/cell-type spatial enrichment or depletion.
Function |
Description |
cellProximityEnrichment |
cellProximityBarplot |
cellProximityHeatmap |
cellProximityNetwork |
cellProximitySpatPlot |
cellProximitySpatPlot3D |
Cell Neighborhood: Spatial Interaction Changed Genes (ICG)¶
Identify and visualize genes that change in a source cell type due to interaction with another neighboring cell type.
Function |
Description |
findInteractionChangedFeats |
findICF |
filterInteractionChangedFeats |
filterICF |
Cell Neighborhood: Ligand-Receptor Cell Communication¶
Functions to calculate and visualize cell-type/cell-type spatial enrichment or depletion.
Function |
Description |
exprCellCellcom |
spatCellCellcom |
plotCCcomDotplot |
plotRankSpatvsExpr |
plotRecovery |
Convert other type of objects into a Giotto object.
Function |
Description |
seuratToGiotto |