Create a giotto object from 10x visium data
creates Giotto object directly from a 10X visium folder
visium_dir = NULL,
expr_data = c("raw", "filter"),
gene_column_index = 1,
h5_visium_path = NULL,
h5_gene_ids = c("symbols", "ensembl"),
h5_tissue_positions_path = NULL,
h5_image_png_path = NULL,
h5_json_scalefactors_path = NULL,
png_name = NULL,
do_manual_adj = FALSE,
xmax_adj = 0,
xmin_adj = 0,
ymax_adj = 0,
ymin_adj = 0,
instructions = NULL,
cores = NA,
verbose = TRUE
Argument |
Description |
path to the 10X visium directory [required] |
raw or filtered data (see details) |
which column index to select (see details) |
path to visium 10X .h5 file |
gene names as symbols (default) or ensemble gene ids |
path to tissue locations (.csv file) |
path to tissue .png file (optional) |
path to .json scalefactors (optional) |
select name of png to use (see details) |
flag to use manual adj values instead of automatic image alignment |
adjustment of the maximum x-value to align the image |
adjustment of the minimum x-value to align the image |
adjustment of the maximum y-value to align the image |
adjustment of the minimum y-value to align the image |
list of instructions or output result from ``createGiottoInstructions` <#creategiottoinstructions>`_ |
how many cores or threads to use to read data if paths are provided |
be verbose |
If starting from a Visium 10X directory:
expr_data: raw will take expression data from raw_feature_bc_matrix and filter from filtered_feature_bc_matrix
gene_column_index: which gene identifiers (names) to use if there are multiple columns (e.g. ensemble and gene symbol)
png_name: by default the first png will be selected, provide the png name to override this (e.g. myimage.png)
the file scalefactors_json.json will be detected automaticated and used to attempt to align the data
If starting from a Visium 10X .h5 file
h5_visium_path: full path to .h5 file: /your/path/to/visium_file.h5
h5_tissue_positions_path: full path to spatial locations file: /you/path/to/tissue_positions_list.csv
h5_image_png_path: full path to png: /your/path/to/images/tissue_lowres_image.png
h5_json_scalefactors_path: full path to .json file: /your/path/to/scalefactors_json.json
giotto object