Creates heatmap for genes and clusters.
spat_unit = NULL,
feat_type = NULL,
expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
genes = NULL,
cluster_column = NULL,
cluster_order = c("size", "correlation", "custom"),
cluster_custom_order = NULL,
cluster_color_code = NULL,
cluster_cor_method = "pearson",
cluster_hclust_method = "ward.D",
feat_order = c("correlation", "custom"),
gene_order = NULL,
feat_custom_order = NULL,
gene_custom_order = NULL,
feat_cor_method = "pearson",
gene_cor_method = NULL,
feat_hclust_method = "complete",
gene_hclust_method = NULL,
show_values = c("rescaled", "z-scaled", "original"),
size_vertical_lines = 1.1,
gradient_colors = c("blue", "yellow", "red"),
feat_label_selection = NULL,
gene_label_selection = NULL,
axis_text_y_size = NULL,
legend_nrows = 1,
show_plot = NA,
return_plot = NA,
save_plot = NA,
save_param = list(),
default_save_name = "plotHeatmap"
Argument |
Description |
giotto object |
spatial unit |
feature type |
expression values to use |
features to use |
deprecated, use feats |
name of column to use for clusters |
method to determine cluster order |
custom order for clusters |
color code for clusters |
method for cluster correlation |
method for hierarchical clustering of clusters |
method to determine features order |
deprecated, use feat_order |
custom order for features |
deprecated, use feat_custom_order |
method for features correlation |
deprecated, use feat_cor_method |
method for hierarchical clustering of features |
deprecated, use feat_hclust_method |
which values to show on heatmap |
sizes for vertical lines |
colors for heatmap gradient |
subset of features to show on y-axis |
deprecated, use feat_label_selection |
size for y-axis text |
number of rows for the cluster legend |
show plot |
return ggplot object |
directly save the plot [boolean] |
list of saving parameters, see ``showSaveParameters` <#showsaveparameters>`_ |
default save name |
If you want to display many genes there are 2 ways to proceed:
set axis_text_y_size to a really small value and show all features
provide a subset of features to display to feat_label_selection