Creates heatmap for numeric cell metadata within aggregated clusters.
spat_unit = NULL,
feat_type = NULL,
metadata_cols = NULL,
spat_enr_names = NULL,
value_cols = NULL,
first_meta_col = NULL,
second_meta_col = NULL,
show_values = c("zscores", "original", "zscores_rescaled"),
custom_cluster_order = NULL,
clus_cor_method = "pearson",
clus_cluster_method = "complete",
custom_values_order = NULL,
values_cor_method = "pearson",
values_cluster_method = "complete",
midpoint = 0,
x_text_size = 8,
x_text_angle = 45,
y_text_size = 8,
strip_text_size = 8,
show_plot = NA,
return_plot = NA,
save_plot = NA,
save_param = list(),
default_save_name = "plotMetaDataCellsHeatmap"
Argument |
Description |
giotto object |
spatial unit |
feature type |
annotation columns found in pDataDT(gobject) |
spatial enrichment results to include |
value columns to use |
if more than 1 metadata column, select the x-axis factor |
if more than 1 metadata column, select the facetting factor |
which values to show on heatmap |
custom cluster order (default = NULL) |
correlation method for clusters |
hierarchical cluster method for the clusters |
custom values order (default = NULL) |
correlation method for values |
hierarchical cluster method for the values |
midpoint of show_values |
size of x-axis text |
angle of x-axis text |
size of y-axis text |
size of strip text |
show plot |
return ggplot object |
directly save the plot [boolean] |
list of saving parameters, see ``showSaveParameters` <#showsaveparameters>`_ |
default save name for saving, don’t change, change save_name in save_param |
Creates heatmap for the average values of selected value columns in the different annotation groups.
ggplot or data.table
``plotMetaDataHeatmap` <#plotmetadataheatmap>`_ for gene expression instead of numeric cell annotation data.