Run tSNE dimensional reduction
run tSNE
spat_unit = NULL,
feat_type = NULL,
expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
reduction = c("cells", "feats"),
dim_reduction_to_use = "pca",
dim_reduction_name = NULL,
dimensions_to_use = 1:10,
name = NULL,
feats_to_use = NULL,
genes_to_use = NULL,
return_gobject = TRUE,
dims = 2,
perplexity = 30,
theta = 0.5,
do_PCA_first = F,
set_seed = T,
seed_number = 1234,
verbose = TRUE,
Argument |
Description |
giotto object |
spatial unit |
feature type |
expression values to use |
cells or genes |
use another dimension reduction set as input |
name of dimension reduction set to use |
number of dimensions to use as input |
arbitrary name for tSNE run |
if dim_reduction_to_use = NULL, which genes to use |
deprecated, use feats_to_use |
boolean: return giotto object (default = TRUE) |
tSNE param: number of dimensions to return |
tSNE param: perplexity |
tSNE param: theta |
tSNE param: do PCA before tSNE (default = FALSE) |
use of seed |
seed number to use |
verbosity of the function |
additional tSNE parameters |
See ``Rtsne` <#rtsne>`_ for more information about these and other parameters. list()
Input for tSNE dimension reduction can be another dimension reduction (default = ‘pca’)
To use gene expression as input set dim_reduction_to_use = NULL
If dim_reduction_to_use = NULL, genes_to_use can be used to select a column name of highly variable genes (see ``calculateHVF` <#calculatehvf>`_ ) or simply provide a vector of genes
multiple tSNE results can be stored by changing the name of the analysis
giotto object with updated tSNE dimension recuction