Visualize 3D cell-cell interactions according to spatial coordinates in plotly mode
interaction_name = NULL,
cluster_column = NULL,
sdimx = "sdimx",
sdimy = "sdimy",
sdimz = "sdimz",
cell_color = NULL,
cell_color_code = NULL,
color_as_factor = T,
show_other_cells = T,
show_network = T,
show_other_network = F,
network_color = NULL,
spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network",
show_grid = F,
grid_color = NULL,
spatial_grid_name = "spatial_grid",
show_legend = T,
point_size_select = 4,
point_size_other = 2,
point_alpha_other = 0.5,
axis_scale = c("cube", "real", "custom"),
custom_ratio = NULL,
x_ticks = NULL,
y_ticks = NULL,
z_ticks = NULL,
show_plot = NA,
return_plot = NA,
save_plot = NA,
save_param = list(),
default_save_name = "cellProximitySpatPlot3D",
Argument |
Description |
giotto object |
cell-cell interaction name |
cluster column with cell clusters |
x-axis dimension name (default = ‘sdimx’) |
y-axis dimension name (default = ‘sdimy’) |
z-axis dimension name (default = ‘sdimz’) |
color for cells (see details) |
named vector with colors |
convert color column to factor |
decide if show cells not in network |
show spatial network of selected cells |
show spatial network of not selected cells |
color of spatial network |
name of spatial network to use |
show spatial grid |
color of spatial grid |
name of spatial grid to use |
show legend |
size of selected points |
size of other points |
opacity of other points |
scale of axis |
custom ratio of axes |
ticks on x-axis |
ticks on y-axis |
ticks on z-axis |
show plots |
return plotly object |
directly save the plot [boolean] |
list of saving parameters from ``all_plots_save_function` <#allplotssavefunction>`_ |
default save name for saving, don’t change, change save_name in save_param |
additional parameters |
Description of parameters.